Thursday, April 23, 2009

Michael Phelps Changes His Stroke

"To everything - turn, turn, turn
There is a season - turn, turn, turn
And a time for every purpose under heaven"

A famous song by The Byrds? Yes. An adaptation of a portion of the King James bible? Yes. A perfect metaphor to illustrate my point? Meh... kind of.

Michael Phelps has announced that he has totally changed his free-style stroke. That is a 5 gold medal winning stroke right there. This situation reminds me of a famous saying, namely "if it aint broke, dont fix it". You might be saying "But sir, Tiger Woods changed his swing and is still on the top of his game?" Tiger Woods can do whatever he wants. Michael Phelps is not Tiger Woods. Tiger Woods can do a rubix cube with his eyes closed. Phelps ALMOST got beat twice. He's going into the 2012 Olympics as a marked man. Changing up his strategy is not going to help. He needs to stop dating strippers and homophobic California pageant girls and get his mind on the games. What he really needs to change is his choice of smoking apparatus. Come on dude, bong? Joints are way more chill...

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