Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Joe Smith to Cavs... Mikki Moore to barber shop

Say it ain't so, Joe, say it ain't so! is reporting that Joe Smith is signing with the Cleveland Cavaliers.

Put.... the gun.... down....

On second thought, don't. This is terrible news. I hope I'm making too big of a deal about this than it actually is, but I just can't get past the fact that the only team we really need to worry about the most got the guy that WE should have gotten. Here we are with a grown man named Mikki in the paint while the Cavs get Joe Smith, Celtic killer last year in the postseason. Smith was supposed to be our PJ Brown.

To make matters worse, Smith will be in action on Friday against our very own Celtics. I'm not saying Cavs are guaranteed to win now, just that it sucks that we have to see him so soon after we were screwed out of getting him. No time to heal. It will be interesting to see Moore and Smith go one on one.

To make matters EVEN worse, Scals is out until at least April. Damnit... I feel like Moore is out there playing with a constant concussion, but Scals needs to sit a month? Come on!

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