Friday, March 13, 2009

Griz get POWENED!

"...1001, 1002, 1003..."

If you don't think I'm coining the phrase "Powened" then you don't know me. I'm convinced I'm the only one clever enough to come up with this, and I expect it to catch fire quickly. This might put TOCT on the map, we'll see. Maybe get us more than 12 hits per day.
30 points, 11 rebounds, 5 blocks in 41 minutes. Love it.

Is there nobody out there infatuated with Powe's story? The guy came from literally nothing and now he's taking the NBA by storm. Why is there not a movie on him? How did Telfair get one and not Powe? Can we bring back the Behind the Glory series? His wikipedia page doesn't do him justice.

Scals getting seventeen concussions and big baby getting a stomache ache was probably the best thing that could happen to the Celtics. Don't get me wrong, I want KG back, but I don't want to see Powe going back to 12 minutes a game. I think he deserves 25, at least. Cut Perks minutes back if you have to. Never play Mikki Moore or Scals if you have to. I don't care how, but get Powe his minutes. Just saw that in the games Powe has started he is averaging 20+ points and 10+ rebounds per game, how can you cut those minutes back...

Other notes from the game: Marbury and Moore didn't look half bad out there. It was great to see Rondo though, Celts thrive off him. Marc Gasol is pretty damn good, he will be much better than his annoying birdlike brother Pau. That being said, Powe dominated the hell out of Gasol. Also, Bill Walker should be in the dunk contest next year.


  1. You can blame Al Hedstrom for that wikipedia not doing him justice, he wrote the damn thing.

  2. hahahaha. not my finest work, but since I wrote it its been severely edited, so i cant take all credit or blame.
