Monday, February 16, 2009

Chinese Woman Goes Berserk After Missed Flight

Seriously, everyone knows how stressful the airport can be. This is how we all would like to act in the airport all the time. It is so confusing in there I feel like Dustin Hoffman in I Am Sam trying to complete a rubix cube. "So if I'm going to Florida but there's a layover in Atlanta to I get my bags in ATL or do they go straight to FL and how much is the fee?" On spring break I am going to visit my brother and if you think I wont flip out like this woman if I miss my flight you are dead wrong. I will probably even make a bigger scene because Logan is way more crowded than this airport. I love to see her just flip on the crazy switch whenever she needs it. She tries to rationalize to the guards why she missed her flight then when it becomes to much for her shes like AHHHHHHHWAHHHHHHHH WIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII etc. There is absolutely nothing worse or more embarrassing then missing your flight and this video just proves it. Plus, it confirms the age old stereotype that upset Asians are hilarious. I half expected a kung fu fight to break out in the middle of this.


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