Saturday, February 7, 2009


Arod: Yo DJ, my man, my buddy, my love, what are we doing tonight?
Jeter: Ugh...

I really didn't feel like blogging today, but when I woke up (yes I know it's 5:00) and saw the headlines, I felt compelled.

Yes folks, Alex Rodriguez took steroids. In other news, Jessica Alba is hot.

I mean this really isn't news. It just confirms what everyone already knew but never had physical proof of. Alex Rodriguez is a cheater. Who knows how many other players used the juice? Hundreds maybe. But the fact is A-Rod, arguably baseball's best player, was/is on the juice.

What I want to know is, what shitty steroids was he using? I mean who takes steroids that only work in the regular season? Do they not work in the cold weather? I'm dumbfounded by this. I mean if you're on the juice, and continue to put up atrocious numbers in the playoffs, how un-clutch can you actually be?

We always knew he sucked in the playoffs, but in actuality he sucked in the playoffs while BEING ON STEROIDS! Talk about not being able to handle pressure.

A-Rod is a liar, a cheater, a scumbag, and worst of all, banging Madonna. Ew.


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