Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Red Sox Back In Action

Mmmm french fried pertaters...

Put away the Ray-Bans and 45 SPF sunblock because things get serious today down in the Sunshine State. That's right, cutoff drills and pitchers fielding practice is all but over as the Red Sox begin games on this lovely Wednesday. At 1:05PM the Sox took on and handily defeated a far inferior Boston College squad who were probably too worried about their Religious Studies midterm to even focus on the game. The highlights were some minor leaguers hit some doubles that scored some runs, Josh Beckett whipped two scoreless innings then chewed two tins of regular tobaccky (as opposed to wacky tobaccky) and called it a day. Clay Buchholz took a few minutes out of his busy day he had planned (bang playmate, rinse, repeat) to hurl a scoreless 3rd inning.

Tonight the ever-competitive Mayor's Cup begins as the Red Sox battle the Twins at 7:05PM. The Mayor's Cup is the annual spring break tournament between the two squads, with whoever wins the most games keeping the "trophy". Tim Wakefield starts for the Sox while some no-namer starts for the Twins (oh wait, he has a name, its Glen Perkins) Most of the regulars will suit up for this one so be sure to flip back and forth to NESN between American Idol songs (I mean... what...)


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