Monday, December 22, 2008

The Great Debate

Recently, a fun debate the gentlemen and I like to discuss (besides the time-tested "Would you rather...", "Who has the biggest...", and "If you HAD TO pick...") is concerning time. During our wild college nights it seems that we never have enough of it. But just where is it going? Does time fly during pregame? Does the heart of the evening just sail by? Or do the blacked out later hours go the fastest? Each choice has its merits but here's how it breaks down:

9:00PM-11:00PM - Your standard pregame time. Whether you are playing beirut, flipcup, or trying to "plant a seed" of interest in a dorm-residing underclassmen, pregame time is a very important piece of your night. Sometimes, pregame is so insane that you don't even make it out. You are constantly texting your bros and possibly some bitties in an effort to find out "What's good?" for the evening. You can get seriously caught up in your pregame activities, all while having fun and anticipating the nights debauchery. Yes, this time may fly.

11:00PM-1:00AM - This is the heart of your night people. You might be in a crowded frat house, a bar playing wayyy too much Journey, or just chillin in the dorms hoping campus security wont hear you, these hours are crucial. As one rum and coke turns into body shots of tequila, you are getting SERIOUSLY mangled. Your face is quite shitted and that may lead to these hours flying by. Maybe you are making out with that hot girl from calc, maybe its the ugly one, but it doesn't matter because its college, and you are L-I-V-I-N'. During these hours you may realize you can dance well, and all your friends realize that you really cant. During these hours you may think you know all the words to "Juicy", but you really don't. During these hours you are on top of the world, and that is why they may move the fastest.

1:00AM-3:00AM - This is where shit gets ugly. Last call at the bar, frat emptying out, nerd down the hall calls police because you guys are wicked loud. You realize the hot chick who gave you a hickey is actually an ugly dude, bummer. Maybe you are with a lady, engaging in 18 minutes of foreplay and 2 swift and disappointing minutes of sex. Maybe you and your buddies are grabbing calzones at the local pizza place and yelling obscenities at another group of guys, 98% of the time leading to a brawl, 97% of the time its in the snow, even in July. Maybe you're not eating a calzone, maybe its an Ellios pizza with thousand island dressing over it, or even a Lean Cuisine Chicken Alfredo, anyway it is THE BEST FOOD YOU HAVE EVER TASTED. Time probably passes pretty quickly when you are embarrassed yourself sending out dozens of drunk dials and texts. I'm pretty sure "Hey baby what are you wearing?" and "Want to come watch I Am Sam?" messages at 2:36AM is really gonna get her in the mood. Plus, you just might be blackout, not even remembering these hours went by. Also, you may be puking.

What do you think? Let me hear your opinions.

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