Friday, December 26, 2008

Youk to play in WBC

Good for Youk. Glad to see that the Boston athletes aren't too good to represent their country. Also good to see Youk play for a team that he actually truly represents and profits from, unlike someone else.

A-Rod is such a tool. He tries so hard, not at baseball, but at being accepted by the rest of the gang. Dude, you're banging Madonna, ew. A-Rod, how about we stop paying you in American dollars since you're too good to represent us? What a joke and a travesty. He should be booed by Americans across the USA because he's a joke, not because he's a Yankee, although that does help.

Pedroia and Youk will be representing the U.S.A. team and that is great news for the country. These guys truly represent what American baseball is all about and what Boston is all about. They are both hard-nosed dirt dogs who will do anything to win. Those are the players that U.S.A. should want. Not those Yankee bitches.

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