Monday, December 15, 2008

Millionaire Football Players are Mean Girls

Jason Witten:
Why do you wear your hair like that? Your hair looks so sexy pushed back Tony Romo. Terrell, will you please tell him his hair looks sexy pushed back?
Tony Romo: Stop. Jason please.
Jason Witten: No come on Terrell, say it.
Terrell Owens: ... Your hair looks sexy pushed back Tony...

Annnnnd scene.

At least, that's how I imagine this is happening. Is this not the most petty thing you have ever heard? Its almost kind of endearing, that a pro football player can be jealous of the relationship that two others share. In essence, tight end Jason Witten and every team's clogged artery slowly leading to a heart attack Terrell Owens, are fighting over the attention and affection of quarterback Tony Romo.TO didn't get invited to the sleepover at Jason's house, so TO cries to his Mom while Tony and Jason stay up all night talking to boys on the phone and eating Cookie Dough ice cream. When things go bad with Jason, Tony runs to TO and gets the poor receiver's hopes up even though Tony has no intention of ever being more than just friends.

So TO complains that he is not getting enough touches, and that the offense runs through him. And to make matters worse, players are agreeing with him! Its kind of like Jason is the bad boy that skips class and smokes cigarettes and NEVER calls, but Tony waits for him to ask him to prom anyway. Even though TO has been there for him from the beginning. And all their teammates are like "Come on Tony, you know he aint good for you! Any man that makes you cry aint worth your time girl! You know Terrell is better for this offense, and your heart."

Where will this drama end? After a win yesterday against the now inept Giants, will love conquer all? Stay tuned to Offensive Plays of Our Lives.



  1. To who ever this may regard?

    OK so yea I am reading your blog, I cant sleep and I'm obviously really high on perks, and was web surfing and got lost, ok?
    I just wanted to say Cowboys rule and yea our offense's undie draw is a lil unorginized, but the cowboys are the only team I support that I can respect you guys commenting on... Actually only sport I am willing to read your comments on because we all know you two are huge DMLTTRS supporters and have little knowledge about sports such as soccer and squash. btw blogging is 3 yrs ago anyway today video blogging and throwing together sick virals is whats cool! get wit it guys

  2. we're actually looking for a blogger who has expertise in the field of squash because we talked about this and realize that it is definitely a weak spot in the blog. send resumes please.

  3. Can you use a 7 letter acronym? Is that even possible? How is Edgar Allan Poe writing comments on our blog... he has been dead for a very, very long time.
