Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Michael Phelps is a Tool

Listen I'm all for USA pride and all that, but it is no secret that Michael Phelps is a huge tool.

I mean it's not rocket science to know that male swimmers, while extremely in shape, are pretty gay. They shave eachothers bodies every day and a bunch of other stuff too that I don't even want to get into.

So I'm at The Place with a few friends and who walks right by us? Mr. 8 Gold Medals himself. Surprisingly enough, he was not wearing all 8 gold medals around his kneck when he walked in.

You would think that after winning 8 gold medals and being arguably the best Olympian to walk the face of the earth, you'd have an entourage of some sort. Noooooope. Not this Olympian.

The dude rolled up to the bar by himself, walked around the bar, then proceeded to go into the VIP room for what looked to be the lamest party in Boston. I like The Place, but at the same time I'm a poor college student. If I'm an Olympian, rich out of my mind, you wouldn't find me at The Place I'll tell you that much.

If 8 Olympic gold medals can't buy you friends, then nothing can. Also, nice hat dude...

Even Paul Pierce and Kevin Garnett couldn't keep a straight face when asked about him at their press post game press conference.



  1. michael phelps girlfriend is a not very hot asian stripper. my roommates friend went to michigan and said one time his friends kicked phelps out of their party cuz he was being a douchebag.

  2. yea phelps is mad wierd, but I feel bad for him... pharyngeal gill slits, webbed feet and hands life can suck as an overly large amphibious human

  3. enough about the celtics lets talk about those bruins kiddd
